Friday, April 11, 2008

Day 46: temptation resisted

I hate to complain, it's not like we are getting tornadoes...but, is it ever going to stop raining? This is the fourth day that it has rained pretty much nonstop. Also, however, the fourth day in a row I haven't had a latte! Probably the longest I've gone since the first week I started this blog.
The temptation never leaves, though...I ran to the grocery store this evening, shivering as I hurried through the cold rain. I walked into the store and immediately saw a guy with a Starbucks cup. Mmmmm...up ahead was the Starbucks kiosk, the attractive sign looming over me as I returned a movie, calling out as I made my way to the bread aisle. But, I stuck to my guns.

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